Physical Literacy for Life
Physical Literacy for Life Means Movement for Life
Physical Literacy for Life
The Physical Literacy for Life project aims to create a foundation for physical literacy to be recognised as a key component of Europeans’ lifelong learning journey through physical education, physical activity and sport.
Physical literacy is developing as a concept in a number of countries. However, various definitions are often used to describe it. This clearly weakens the understanding and acceptance of the need for physical literacy as a central, lifelong competence.
Physical Literacy Updates
Physical Literacy for Life
Visit the Physical Literacy for Life homepage for regular updates on newly published resources and events organised through the project, or opportunities to learn more about physical literacy through our networks.
A definition and overview of the dimensions of physical literacy confirmed by experts and based on the latest global research, evidence and practice. We will alleviate confusion surrounding the concept, so that teachers and coaches can effectively help children, adults and elderly people develop physical literacy.
Online self-assessment tools and coaching for three target groups: for PE teachers to give them an immediate picture of the way they are integrating physical literacy in their teaching, and for coaches and club administrators to given them an impression of how they integrate physical literacy in their coaching/training.
A Physical Literacy Advocacy Toolkit – the ultimate guide for people involved in education, physical education, physical activity, sport, health, politics … anyone interested in developing human beings as a whole person, a physically literate citizen!
Physical Literacy for Life
The EU-supported project is led by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) and 10 partners on 2 continents. It is set to build on some of the groundwork made both in Europe and Australia, in particular by project partners EUPEA, a partner in the EU-supported PHYLIT project, and Dean Dudley from Macquarie University, a leading researcher who is working with Sport Australia to put physical literacy on the federal government’s health and wellbeing agenda.
Physical Literacy for Life & ISCA
The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is coordinating the project, which sees physical literacy experts from two continents joining forces with grassroots sport organisations. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.