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ISCA launches new online course: Learning from experts and good examples

By Hilal Erkoca and Monika Resetar, ISCA

We’re happy to announce that ISCA's new online course Learning from experts and and good examples is ready to meet its users on our online learning platform The course focuses on showcasing and sharing good examples from our network of doers, practitioners and change-makers, including Khalida Popal from Girl Power and Adnan Abdul Ghani from Save the Children (pictured above), who work with migrants and refugees all over Europe and beyond. 

When building this course, we reached out to Integration of Refugees Through Sport (IRTS) Networking Platform partners and stakeholders, engaging as many organisations, clubs and experts from the network as possible to share and present their work. We have hosted a series of webinars, recorded interviews and made case studies of specific examples that will inspire and motivate you when challenges arise.

How to access the new online course? 
The only thing you need to do to is register for the course on the platform. After completing your registration and logging in, you can access the course free of charge, including the following features:

  • 8 modules 
  • 23 topics 
  • 7 case studies 
  • 5 podcasts 
  • 7 webinars 
  • And many more practical tips, interviews and learning materials 


Do you have an example, activity or project to submit? 
Learning from experts and and good examples has been designed as an ever-evolving online course. We’re open to adding additional topics, and we would like to add yours too! If you have an example, activity or project from your organisation or club that could inspire others and at the same time give you visibility, please visit our online learning platform, fill out a short questionnaire and we’ll get in touch with you.

Visit to discover our range of courses for professionals in the recreational sport and physical activity sector.

The Integration of Refugees Through Sport courses are supported with funding from the European Commission and Nordplus Adult.

Posted on 30/06/2022 by Hilal Erkoca and Monika Resetar, ISCA


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