Physical activity in first wave of re-opening after Covid-19
Comment by ISCA President Mogens Kirkeby.
Several countries are now re-opening or planning to do so in the coming weeks and months. After lockdowns and a variety of rules limiting the free movement – and, not least, some strong limitations of socialising and interacting with other people – we are eager to get out and get moving a bit more.
The openings are planned to happen step-by-step and I guess the discussion in many countries is – what comes first?
I am happy to see that physical activity, in some of its many practical formats, is included in the first wave of re-opening societies. For good reason!
Limitations like ‘Stay Home’ and ‘Physical Distancing’ become ‘Social Distancing’, which has in turn triggered our feeling of social hunger.
In the same way, fewer options and an increased motivation to exercise have triggered the need to offer our bodies some exercise.
I hear people questioning why physical activity should be in the first wave of what is needed when re-opening. Is it really necessary or should other activities come first?
I suggest to have a look at the children and young people who have been ‘grounded’ for weeks – they need it! Or you can re-visit the ‘Maslows hierarchy of needs’ where physical exercise is everywhere – from basic physical needs, to personal safety (prevention), social needs and self-actualisation.
Putting physical activity options in the first wave of opening societies is both safe and smart.
So go for it #MovingPeople!
PS. Remember to ‘listen louder’ when your body is asking for exercise.
Related: ISCA Exclusive! We map the status of physical activity and sport restrictions across Europe and beyond.
Photo:Victor He/Unspalsh
Posted on 04/05/2020 by ISCA President Mogens Kirkeby