Relive the 6th MOVE Week from A to Z And save the dates for MOVE Week Latin America!
Over 1500 events took place in at least 24 European countries for this year’s MOVE Week, and the event tally is still being boosted by reports from our National Coordinators and MOVE Agents.
It is a great testament to the drive and energy of volunteers around Europe who are dedicated to MOVING PEOPLE. Thank you to everyone who took part! While the numbers are still coming in, we invite you to relive some of this year’s highlights from A to Z.
It is an impressive collection of events featured on social media, in videos and articles. For example, did you know that MOVE Week in Iceland is called Hreyfivika and it once again registered the highest number of events with 337? And did you know that the This Girl Campaign held a special MOVE Week event in Hertfordshire in England? And that over 180 MOVE Week events happened in Italy? AND that sporting goods retailer Decathlon supported MOVE Week in Bulgaria? (Find out how Bulgaria’s National Coordinator secured their support…)
Read more here and if you weren’t part of MOVE Week in 2017, stay tuned for 2018!
And if you’re in Latin America, get ready for Semana Muévela this September. Save the dates: 23-29 September
Posted on 20/06/2017 by