ISCA is MOVING People! Read our 2016 Annual Report
ISCA Annual Report 2016 is out now and you can read it below.
2016 was a year of very high intensity, where we delivered towards our promises to the physical activity sector. Read more and get inspired by our 2016 Annual Report:
- Advocacy: How ISCA has engaged 10 partners in developing advocacy excellence in raising physical activity higher on the agenda
- Target Groups: How ISCA is delivering knowledge and good practice in sport and physical activity for refugees
- Knowledge transfer: How ISCA enabled 26 physical activity organisations to scale up their initiatives or transfer them to other countries
- Education: How ISCA delivered a youth education platform across two continents
- Campaigns: How ISCA delivered the MOVE Week initiative with almost 10,000 events across the world.
- Events: How ISCA delivered unique international events such as NowWeBike's journey of Hope, FlashMOVE and European Fitness Day in support of the European #BeActive campaign
If you are interested in learning more about ISCA and what we offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. You will like working with us!
Jacob Schouenborg, ISCA Secretary General
Posted on 13/01/2017 by Jacob Schouenborg, ISCA Secretary General