ISCA and its network secure seven Erasmus+ projects and MOVE Week funding
ISCA, its members and partners have been awarded seven project grants in the recent round of the EU’s new Erasmus+ Sport funding programme. The 2015 edition of MOVE Week, the flagship event of the NowWeMOVE campaign, was allocated €1 million through the Not-for-Profit European Sport Events stream.
ISCA will also partner in five successful Collaborative Partnerships projects, including the German Gymnastics Federation’s (Deutscher Turner-Bund) European Fitness Badge, the University of Erlangen Nurnberg’s follow-up to its IMPALA project, the Finnish Sports Confederation’s (VALO) Sport Club for Health project, Sport and Citizenship’s Physical Activity Serving Society Project and TAFISA’s European Week of Sport Toolbox project. In addition, ISCA member and MOVE Transfer partner, the Hungarian School Sport Federation, received a grant focusing on physical education principles in schools.
Erasmus+ Youth (Key Action 2) also reaped rewards for ISCA and will see even stronger links formed between the NowWeMOVE campaign, MOVE Brasil and youth-driven promotion of physical activity in Latin America and Europe through the Youth on the MOVE project, which will be launched early next year.
“The recent successes of ISCA and its network in the Erasmus+ programme is the culmination of our strong political work in the field of sport in Europe,” ISCA Europe Chair Filippo Fossati says. “Over the last six months we have received valuable recognition for our efforts, not least the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union’s patronage of the MOVE Congress in Rome and other initiatives ISCA and UISP have collaborated on throughout the Italian Presidency.”
ISCA Secretary General Jacob Schouenborg looks forward to further collaboration with ISCA members and partners on these projects and future proposals next year.
“I am pleased to see that our efforts to support our members and partners in European project applications have been successful on several occasions. We have witnessed and contributed to increasing capacities in our member organisations to apply for European funding themselves and it is our strategy to continue to do so, enabling more and richer European project experiences for our members,” he says.
Posted on 18/12/2014 by