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MOVE Congress 2014 Open Market

By Jana Stehlikova, ISCA

The Open Market took place outside the MOVE Congress venues in the so-called Matattoio, a former cattle shed, and offered several physical activities and poster presentations.

The participants could try playing some Dodgeball as well as some Tchoukball, Traditional Table Games, Balance Exercise, Stopping Movement Training, and “Propriocettive” Activities. As the weather was perfect for such activities, a lot of people participated during the morning coffee breaks, taking a little break and stretching the body.

They also had the opportunity to take a look at the posters displayed at the Open Market: EasySport Model from Helsinki, Pickup Soccer, Sport for All in in Israel Sharon Region, Let’s Train Together, Interetnika, Let’s Play from Malta, Weigh to Go, Community Games Moving Forward, Active Age, Doorstep Sport Club, Healthy Club and Ulster Sport Outreach.

By Jana Stehlikova

Posted on 14/11/2014 by Jana Stehlikova, ISCA


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