MOVE2012 vision for the sport for all sector

“Life itself is but Motion” (Thomas Hobbes, 1651) – so life is movement. Since the very early age of human history, human being has been driven both by cooperation and competition. As such we strongly believed we are meant and designed for sport and physical activity.
Innovation and legacy have been at the heart of the debates and key words of the MOVE Congress 2012
Legacy is not only for mega events and shall transcend them. Each of our actions should be meant to develop a long lasting legacy that go beyond the sport sector itself.
It is one of the key element in the MOVE Congress 2012. Participants, speakers and organisers all agreed that strong commitment from all side is needed to bring the sport for all network to the next level therefore unlocking its potential.
We shall aim high yet being realistic.
The physical inactivity crisis is a wicked problem for it is a systemic one, therefore it would require us to better diagnosis our work and organisation: assess and measure the impact of our project, take time to discover people needs and barriers, set clear objectives and get ready for COOPERATION while defining clearly partners responsibilities and not being scared of sharing knowledge, tasks and network. There is enough inactivity for all the organisations that want to work on it!
Our vision is clear. Developing access to sport for all and tackling the physical inactivity crisis is a shared responsibility: citizens as “Claim holder”, states as “Duty bearer” and NGO's as “Moral duty bearer”.
Every step we will reach, any milestones we will build will be through partnership! We shall explore collaboration and, though expecting differences, being ready every day to get inspiration from one another. If we, the actors working in the field -therefore already convinced that leisure sport is a potent part of society- do not manage to find a way to work can we engaged other sectors as well and be more efficient!
Thus we ask for ambitious actions from all “Duty Bearers” – from government institutions and private companies and to non-governmental organisations. This vision implies that we must all show strong commitment and openness towards cross-sector collaboration.
On behalf all the participants, speakers and partners of the MOVE Congress 2012, we are today calling for cross-sector partnerships and will openly share our knowledge and experience with all the stakeholders willing to share the work with us.
It is our mission – it is our commitment – it is our duty.
Check also the MOVE Congress 2012 report below
Posted on 28/10/2012 by