Grassroots sport organisations committed to promoting volunteering

Legacy of the EuroVolNet project
ISCA and EuroVolNet (EVN) project partners common statements: “We are willing to contribute to the volunteering legacy in Europe and to the promotion of the value and diversity of volunteering. As valued contributors to communities across Europe, providing and supporting quality volunteering opportunities and vital services to those in need, we are ready to contribute as extensively as possible to the development of volunteering across Europe.”
In a recent report handed in to the European Commission, ISCA and EVN project partners have committed to this process and help to ensure the development of a more efficient and effective policy framework in Europe to support and promote volunteers, volunteering and volunteer-involving organisations.
The EuroVolNet project helped to initiate activities by partners directly raised the organisational awareness of important of volunteering on European and national level. Data collected for the collection of good examples indicated the partners’ high level of activities. Find more here:
The EuroVolNet project helped to initiate activities by partners directly raised the organisational awareness of important of volunteering on European and national level. Data collected for the collection of good examples indicated the partners’ high level of activities. Find more here while browsing the Voluntary Services Tutorial.
During and after the EuroVolNet events project partners were encouraged to ensure coordination with national and local projects and activities. Local and regional authorities were included in different events/meetings for the purpose of cross-sector outreach and broadening of the group of stakeholders.
Even if more and more sport associations have recognised the importance of volunteering and its value as a vehicle for development, ISCA still see the deficits in a systematic approach with a conclusive and consistent strategy.
In our case strategic objectives should be:
- To take a stand and create an image to become acknowledged as a competent and powerful partner with regard to promotion of volunteering is sport inside and outside the sport system.
- To profile member clubs for being able to contribute to the well-being of communities.
- To make fundraising for volunteering programs easier.
- To encourage and to qualify clubs to develop management in volunteering
- To monitor approval, compliance and commitment from leaders inside the association on almost all subdivisions.
A consistent strategy has to take different elements into consideration. The main components should be:
- Policy development
- Human resources qualification
- Organizational and working structure development
- Lobbying and marketing
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Find more about EuroVolNet conclusions and recommendations here (PDF, 0.50 MB) |
Posted on 16/10/2012 by