New tools for using youth sport as a driver for health and wellnees

Outcomes of the “SWELL project: YOUTH TRAINING FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS”, co-organised by ISCA and UFOLEP.
From 18 to 25th of August 2012, 21 young people from 7 different countries gathered in France to learn more about health and wellness in sport for all, in a non formal setting.
The training was organized by UFOLEP and ISCA and aimed at activating an international network that can spread the idea of Health and Well-being through sport as a right and act as multipliers at local level.
It took place at Centre les Jonquilles in Xonrupt- Longemer (Vosgian region) and gathered participants (coming from France, UK, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, Iceland and Slovenia) from various backgrounds (sport, medicine, youth work, volunteer work).
The philosophy of the SWELL training relied on 3 main pillars: Non Formal Education (as a means of facilitating the learning process and increase the interactivity of the event), Education through Sport (stressing the link between sport and environment) and “Learning by doing” or “learning through experience” (meaning that practical workshops and individual experiences were most of the time the starting point for reflection).
The training try to define a common understanding of the concept of education through sport and physical activities for health and well-being using non formal education tools.
The definition of health and well-being carried during the training was based on the holistic approach and therefore involved mental, physical and social health dimensions.
Participants explored the potential of using physical activities in line with Human Rights educational approach in order to promote the Right to health. There was also an emphasis on Education through sport method (participants were asked to create an exercise where physical activity would promote health). Furthermore, participants did also take part to a workshop on learning for well being which was facilitated by an expert.
As for the physical activities, the organisers took advantage of the Vosges landscape to organise a canyoning activity as well as a hiking session in the mountains.
Last but not least, participants were stimulated to join MOVE WEEK and asked to come up with ideas that they could develop back home.
We will keep you update regarding the development of these projects.
Finally let us also introduce the concrete outcomes of this training. Indeed, not only did participants learn a lot, they did also come out with brand new materials:
- Publication about the key topics of the training.
- Motivational video to increase the physical activity amoung young people.
- 4 new exercises using sport as a non formal education tool.
Check the SWELL project photos, click here>>>.
Posted on 14/09/2012 by