Good Governance in Grassroots Sport education program
GGGS project, supported by the European Commission, Education and Culture DG, under the “2011 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport”, is addressing organizational top leaders by designing and implementing a sustainable, state-of-the-art European non-formal education for “Good Governance in Grassroots Sport”.
The project is developing a unique education programme targeted specifically for grassroots sport with a combination of high-level experts (Council of Europe, University of Cassino,Transparency International, City Mayors), site visits, and peer-lead learning.
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GGGS project, ISCA and GGGS Project partners devloped full education program with methodology, curriculum and execution plan.
The 3 x 3 days of training during project period will also have pre- and post online learning modules as well as specific preparation requirements and personalized follow-up/coaching of learners afterwards.
The target group is top leaders in grassroots sport organisations (board members or directors/top managers), who will work as a GGGS team to ensure maximum interaction and peer learning dynamics.
The first training will be oragnized in Casaleccio Di Reno in Italy, 14. – 16.9.2012, hosted by 3 GGGS project partners: Municipality Casaleccio di Reno, MASI Sport Club and UISP from Italy.
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Posted on 13/08/2012 by