European Voluntary Network tutorial launched

ISCA and European Voluntary Network (EuroVolNet - EVN) project partners have developed The Voluntary Services Tutorial, a leading resource of good practices which have been collected in the EuroVolNet project. The tutorial is designed to provide inspiration and motivation to national associations, political leaders and volunteer services managers by “collecting” the knowledge of the best practices in an easy accessible, cross-thematic way.
EVN Project partners confirmed that only together can foster a powerful civil society, can put volunteering in Europe on higher level and promote dialogue between sport, culture and volunteering for development of individuals in Europe. They established a constructive dialogue among themself and with stakeholders at the European and national level and called on the European Commission to further strengthen its on-going dialogue and cooperation with the sport for all sector specifically and volunteering sector in sport and in general.
“It is my hope that this Tutorial will be a good addition to the opportunities that we try to develop in ISCA to the benefit of grassroots sport organizations. This way we can make volunteering an ongoing success story, or put in different terms: To build Volunteering for life!"
Jacob Schouenborg, ISCA Secretary General.
This Tutorial is dedicated to all our colleagues in Sport for All and Volunteering sector, which does literally makes Europe move. Hereby, we would like to thank to all for contribution to Tutorial, for “knowing how to make differences”.
The EuroVolNet Tutorial can be found here>>>.
EuroVolNet project, supported from the European Commission, Education and Culture DG, under the “2010 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport”, closed its activities in June 2012.
Posted on 13/08/2012 by