Good Governance in Grassroots Sport is a hot topic

Good Governance in Grassroots Sports in Ljubljana
21 project partners from 13 different countries met for the first time in the project period in Ljubljana at the end of January for a Kick off meeting. Project partners express their readiness to increase the organizational capacity for good governance by focusing on transparency and accountability at the grassroots sport association level. Their suggestions and knowledge will create, improve and maintain the best possible governance structures.
GGGS kick-off meeting “produced” Draft Project Action plan, Draft Project Topics and Principles. Project partners will in the next months work together on the following principles in good governance:
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Equitability and Inclusivity
- Democracy

ISCA and project partners will in the first half of the project period research, compile and disseminate existing principles of good governance in European grassroots sport.The collection and valorization of the good practices/solutions will also challenge the good governance in European Grassroots sport. To build capacities in key national non-governmental grassroots sport organizations GGGS project will design and implement a sustainable non-formal education for “Good Governance in Grassroots Sport”, targeting organizational top leaders, and based on the results from the above mentioned evidence- and knowledge base. By testing and providing a consultancy function for grassroots sport organizations on good governance, project will increase awareness and outreach on good governance to a broad target group in grassroots sport.
Next GGGS event will be organized for project partners just before the SPORTVISION2012 Conference in Copenhagen, 19. – 20.3.2012 (click here for more information)
Good Governance in Grassroots Sport (GGGS) project is receiving support from the European Commission, Education and Culture DG, under the “2011 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport”.

Posted on 07/02/2012 by