MOVE call for good practices off to a flying start
ISCA has received the first project descriptions in response to the MOVE call for good practices that was launched at the MOVE2011 congress in Paris on 19-23 October. “We are off to a flying start and I am very pleased with the initial response to the call” says Giovanni Capelli, Dean of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Cassino. “So far we have received responses from a varied group of organizations including sports organizations, universities and public entities as well as workers’ organizations. Looking at geography, there is also a good spread with responses coming from Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Scotland, Spain and Romania. This is very encouraging.”
The University of Cassino is an Associate Partner of the MOVE project and plays an important role in the MOVE project’s effort to collect and evaluate projects that promote physical activity in socially disadvantaged groups.

“I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this effort” says Giovanni Capelli. “Motivating people to engage in physical activity is difficult, and this is even more true when it comes to socially disadvantaged people who are facing tough barriers for leading a physically active life. With the MOVE project we are pooling knowledge and experience from organizations that have been successful in helping socially disadvantaged groups to overcome these barriers. By knowing more about what works and what doesn’t, we believe that even more organizations will be able to take up the challenge and with even greater effectiveness”.
Posted on 18/01/2012 by