Good Governance in Grassroots Sport project kick-off meeting
Good Governance in Grassroots Sport
Ljubljana, 25. – 27.1.2012
Governance in sport is a hot topic, whether we are working at the national or community level, everything from setting strategic plans to managing boards needs to be done.
Good Goverance in Grassroots Sport (GGGS) project is a transnational project that increases organizational capacity for good governance by focusing on transparency and accountability, particularly at the grassroots sport association level.
Project officially started on 1st December 2011 and will end on 31st March 2013.
21 project partners from 13 different countries will come together for the first time in the project period in Ljubljana on 25th of January for a Kick off meeting. Meeting in Ljubljana will officially launch GGGS project. Project partners will discuss the project’s vision and objectives. They will build the project together, develop the project plan and share the knowledge and experiences on »Relations to Public Authorities », »Financial management«, »Competences of board members« and »Accountability and Transparency of sport associations«.

GGGS project will trough its specific objectives and related activities:
1. Increase the evidence - and knowledge base for good governance in grassroots sport in Europe; by
• researching, compiling and disseminating existing principles of good governance in European
grassroots sport
• collecting and valorizing good practices/solutions to challenges posed to good governance in
European Grassroots sport.
2. Build capacities in key national non-governmental grassroots sport organizations though targeted learning opportunities; by
• designing and implementing a sustainable, state-of-the-art European non-formal education
for “Good Governance in Grassroots Sport”, targeting organizational top leaders, and based
on the results from the above mentioned evidence- and knowledge base.
3. Increase awareness and outreach on good governance to a broad target group in grassroots sport; by
• testing and providing a consultancy function for grassroots sport organizations on good
• using 2 international events and several communication channels for the discussion of,
networking for and dissemination of principles of good governance in European grassroots
sport with key stakeholders.
The GGGS project and project events are receiving support from the European Commission, Education and Culture DG, under the “2011 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport”

Posted on 18/01/2012 by