Season's Greetings 2011

Thank you for a great year
2011 has been a great year for ISCA, our members and partners. Despite a challenging international environment marked by the prevailing economic crisis, ISCA has implemented an large amount of international projects in the field of sport and physical activity. Among others, the Sport Action NeTwork of Europe SANTE project was concluded successfully, the EuroVolNet project made significant contributions to the European Year of Volunteering and the MOVE2011 Congress gathered more than 300 participants in Paris and opened-up new opportunities for cross-sectoral cooperation.
Moving from one year to another we would like to thank you and your organisation for the excellent cooperation and trust you that you put in ISCA.
We are looking forward to joining forces again in 2012 with a number of exciting initiatives coming up, including the SportVision2012 conference during the Danish presidency of the European Union, the MOVE flagship project creating opportunities for minority groups to participate in physical activity and sport, the Good Governance in Grassroots Sport project increasing the capacities of grassroots sport organizations to govern in a transparent and accountable way, and the MOVE2012 Congress in Brazil.
2012 will be an eventful year for ISCA and we hope to share it with you.
Mogens Kirkeby
ISCA President
Posted on 06/01/2012 by