Sports Club for Health
European guidelines available
Sports Club for Health (SCforH) – programme has gathered ISCA and other European Sport for All organisations together to develop health-enhancing sports activities in the sports club context. The programme received European funding from the EU preliminary actions for 2010-2011. Sports Club for Health –guidelines booklet has been published, is available for download and ready to be implemented into action in different countries.

Guidelines into action
The SCforH-guidelines are based on scientific evidence. The sports people are often unaware of the health effects of their sports discipline. The idea behind the SCforH-guidelines is to build up awareness of the health enhancing effects of sports. With the help of the guidelines sports club enthusiasts can plan, implement and evaluate their health-oriented sports programs.
SCforH-work continues by disseminating the guidelines and by developing country-specific projects. “The information from SCforH-programme can be freely used in different organisations and they can be modified to suit different sports structures. In Finland we have started the work by creating health profiles for different sports. Ice hockey, figure skating, horse-back riding, gymnastics, swimming, orienteering, athletics, fitness boxing, golf and cross-country skiing are already working with their health profiles. We will have a specific campaign for the clubs to make the guidelines known in the Finnish sports clubs. The work has also started in Croatia and in Poland by translating the SCforH-booklet”, says Eerika Laalo-Häikiö from the Finnish Sports for All Association which has been leading the project since 2008.
European network
The need for health-enhancing sports activities has increased dramatically in the past decade. All the major Sport for All organisations have started to develop different ways to tackle the new demands. Sports Club for Health –programme has been a good starting point to increase European level cooperation between HEPA and sports movement. “We have had an exciting start for our network by creating the guidelines. But the real work starts now when all the organisations start to implement the guidelines into action. I would like to thank ENGSO, ISCA, HEPA Europe, TAFISA and EFCS for the work which has been done. But we need a precise goal and a lot of communication between the organisations so that we get a good result and people moving in the sports clubs”, continues Eerika.
SCforH-work continues in Europe by organising workshops and expert meetings. Everyone is welcome to join the team.
The SCforH-booklet can be downloaded in pdf-form:
Posted on 22/12/2011 by