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ISCA’s Exclusive Event for 2024: Moving People – Moving Europe

By Maria Malyshkina, ISCA

Each year, the International Sport and Culture Association provides its members with a unique opportunity to engage with key figures and developments in the fields of grassroots sport and health-enhancing physical activity. This year, from 12 to 14 November 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and with the support from European Commission, ISCA will host the exclusive, invitation-only Moving People – Moving Europe conference.

This fourth edition of the conference, co-hosted by the Sports Union of Slovenia and the National Institute of Public Health, will bring together around 250 participants, including ISCA members, project partners, and other stakeholders. Aimed at building capacities within the sector, the event focuses on creating impactful collaborations, innovative strategies, and meaningful discussions about promoting healthy lifestyles, inclusion, and integration through grassroots sport and physical activity.

Photos from the 2022 edition of the Moving People - Moving Europe conferene

Thanks to an operating grant from the European Commission in the field of health and the support from the organisers, the participants can focus entirely on the great learning and networking opportunities at hand. Many of the speakers involved are also key contributors to EU-funded ISCA projects, further enriching the content with their hands-on experience and insights.

Among the topics that will be explored during the main conference on November 13, and in the series of workshops and side meetings scheduled for November 11, 12, and 14, are:

  • Mental health and well-being for disadvantaged groups using the ABCs of Mental Health
  • Networking and advocacy for the Integration of Refugees Through Sport
  • Leveraging digital transformation to build resilience in the grassroots sport sector through the DigiFit
  • Developing healthy and value-based esports activities in sports clubs.
  • Inter-generational engagement and increased physical activity through the Generations United through Movement (GUM)
  • Rethinking sport and physical activity offerings in cities through Placemaking.
  • Enhancing participation in physical activities among older adults – or Active Ageing.

The event presents a valuable platform to discuss future collaborations and explore how grassroots sport and physical activity can address the challenges of today’s societies. ISCA remains committed to supporting its members through these exclusive, high-level engagements, contributing to the continued success of initiatives that promote healthier, more active communities.

Stay tuned for the exciting outcomes that are sure to emerge from this year’s conference!

Visit ISCA Health for more background information about ISCA’s work in the field of health.


Posted on 16/10/2024 by Maria Malyshkina, ISCA


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