Can sport contribute to learning experiences?
The MOVE&Learn platform is dedicated to explaining how sport is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance different learning processes. The MOVE&Learn manual explains the approach of Education Through Sport in the context of both youth work and grassroots sport on the basis of non-formal education, experiential learning and active participation. The combination of sport and learning provides an excellent opportunity to learn through activities that are very enjoyable, highly emotional and based on active participation and involvement.
Methodology is a key point of the Education Through Sport concept. Having that in mind we have developed three basic principles that will guide and help you out during the process! Read the complete methodology chapter on page 20 of the MOVE&Lean manual!
The MOVE&Learn manual is a more comprehensive compilation of texts and exercises, which is supposed to incentive and support your teaching practices. You will always be able to find it on the right sidebar of the other pages!
The MOVE&Learn was an outcome of the Training of Trainers in Education Through Sport project organised by the International Sport and Culture Association. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.