International Gymnastics for All forum "exceeded our expectations": SESC São Paulo

The VIII International Forum of Gymnastics for All was held from 13-16 of October 2016 at Unicamp and Sesc Campinas in Brazil with support from ISCA.
The programme's theme, "Connecting the differences”, was the link between the forum's various session, including an opening conference, round table discussion, "presentation of scientific works", courses, festivals, parallel meetings and a book launch.
A total of 407 participants took part, including international experts from Germany, England, USA and Portugal, who led practical courses and lectures, as well as gymnastics groups from Argentina, Germany, Chile, USA and Portugal, who provided the entertainment at the festivals.
"In general, I can say that the audience enjoyed the Forum and that the result exceeded our expectations," ISCA Vice President and Manager of Physical and Sportive Development at Sesc São Paulo, Maria Luiza Souza Dias says.
"The four nights of festival was an important moment of exchanges and integration among the 1200 gymnasts and 58 groups participating."
The International Forum of Gymnastics for All is held every two years and is a colourful event on the Brazilian sport for all calendar. The event has evolved from the Brazilian Forum on General Gymnastics.
Posted on 31/10/2016 by