Hungarian School Sport Federation awarded two-year EU grants to examine the quality of physical education in Europe

New ISCA member the Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF) has been rewarded with a grant of €297,000 by the EU within the frame its Erasmus+ Sport Programme.
HSSF will lead a consortium of 5 countries in the two-year European Framework of Quality Physical Education project, which will include the Ministry of Education and Religion from Greece; the Central Begleidings Orgaan from the Netherlands (a health-centered research and service providing organisation); the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University from Frankfurt, Germany; and the University of Technology from Kaunas, Lithuania.
The purpose of the project is to propose a framework that supports the implementation of health enhancing physical activity in schools at a European level. It aims to develop principles and identify areas of intervention using health oriented physical education.
The project will include a comprehensive study of physical education (PE) models in selected European countries’ public education systems, examining their methods, results and overall effectiveness. During the research, the experts from the 5 collaborating partners will analyse the core curricula from the perspective of the health-centered awareness, PE approaches and the role of school PE in developing students’ attitudes towards life-long exercise and healthy lifestyles.
During the two-year period of the project, the members of the consortium will prepare analyses and policy recommendations as a result of joint workshops and individual professional development, with consideration given to differences in the national contexts.
Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF), a non-profit organisation established in 1987, is the national representative organisation of student school sport associations. HSSF implements public education interests and universal sport goals, and also actively promotes the beneficial spending of the students’ leisure time.
Posted on 26/01/2015 by