Choreographed groups perform the FlashMOVE spontaneously in cities across Europe to promote the start of MOVE Week.
FlashMOVE is the name of the NowWeMOVE flash mob. A FlashMOVE is perfectly suited to promote European Week of Sport as the choreography unfolds gradually and passers-by can join in and be active.
It is an opportunity for the initiative to make a strong link with its European dimension. All countries involved in the FlashMOVE have the chance to show their European neighbours who they are. The European Union motto is “United in diversity”, so let’s show this diversity based on a solid common support: the FlashMOVE.
FlashMOVE does not have to showcase the perfect dance moves, theatrical masterpieces or acrobatic tricks and we don’t expect everyone (except for the leader) to do it perfectly – the whole point is to create a fun event – be it indoor or outdoor that creates attention and raises the discussion of physical inactivity crisis.
History of FlashMOVE
FlashMOVE is part of the NowWeMOVE campaign
NowWeMOVE's overall objectives are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.
FlashMOVE is part of the NowWeMOVE campaign. ISCA launched the NowWeMOVE campaign in 2012, with the aim of bringing the sport for all sector and a variety of other sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.