European Fitness Day
The European Fitness Day is a one-day event dedicated to providing opportunities to people to find their move.
European Fitness Day
The European Fitness Day is a one-day event dedicated to providing opportunities to people to find their move. We ask you to open your doors, provide members and non-members with “try me out” activities, communicate about the day and become part of the biggest movement in Europe.
The role of the European Fitness Day is simple: it is to highlight the role that physical activity plays in improving people’s health by putting the spotlight on fun activities offered by fitness professionals. ISCA will promote the EFD and will ask its members and partners to promote and engage their partners on a national level.
Why should you be part of the European Fitness Day?
- You will be part of a European event which raises awareness and celebrates physical activity.
- You will gain local and regional recognition through press/social media support.
- Easy-to-use communication tools and marketing materials.
- Engage with potential and existing new members.
- Reach out to your local community.
European Fitness Day
Our aim is to make the European Fitness Day the most active day in Europe. This is the day to celebrate physical activity in all of its forms – from exercise to dance. We are asking you - our members, partners, friends, stakeholders, and the public to engage in organising the “most active day in Europe”.
European Fitness Day & NowWeMOVE
European Fitness Day is part of the NowWeMOVE campaign
NowWeMOVE's overall objectives are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.
European Fitness Day & ISCA
European Fitness Day is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE. ISCA launched the NowWeMOVE campaign in 2012, with the aim of bringing the sport for all sector and a variety of other sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.