Active Ageing for Falls Prevention
This project focuses on encouraging participation in sport and physical activity to help prevent falls among the older population.
Active Ageing for Falls Prevention
Active Ageing for Falls Prevention
To address and prevent the falls in the older population, the project focuses on encouraging participation in sport and physical activity, building capacity of organisations and sport practitioners to work transnationally and across sectors and disseminating learning package among wider range of practitioners.
Project specific objectives and activities:
Active Ageing for Falls Prevention & ISCA
Active Ageing for Falls Prevention is an international project, lead by the International Sport and Culture Association, to address and prevent the falls in the older population, the project focuses on encouraging participation in sport and physical activity, building capacity of organisations and sport practitioners to work transnationally and across sectors and disseminating learning package among wider range of practitioners. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.